Posts in category Spirits

JAGER-SOHO 1 drink me Jagersoho

Jamming out with JägerSoho

When it comes to music industry innovation, the first name to pop into people’s heads is probably not Jägermeister, better known for their distinctive liquor that is the lifeblood of parties everywhere. But parties would be nothing without music, so the one-of-a-kind company doesn’t limit their uniqueness to the taste …

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Crusoe Silver Rum drink me Crusoe Silver Rum

Crusoe Rum – Expanding Flavor

Repeat after me: organic simply tastes better. Here’s the very scientific reason: when a plant grows organically without artificial fertilizers and pesticides, it encounters more biological stress as it fights for survival, which creates stronger, healthier plants with higher levels of flavonoids and antioxidants for intense flavors and aromas. Since …

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