Posts in category Features

Seedlip drink me Seedlip

Seedlip Garden 108

There are many reasons a person decides to go alcohol-free: pregnancy, designated driving and sometimes to take a break when one gets too much of a good thing. Now with Seedlip’s non-alcoholic spirit line, those choosing not to imbibe can still join in the fun with a flavorful, refreshing beverage. …

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London EDITION Lobby Bar drink me London EDITION Lobby Bar

The London EDITION

Just like a well-made cocktail, The London EDITION muddles the Classic and the Modern, the Stately and the Inviting until they are fused into a new, yet familiar flavor and served up on a silver platter, just as the visionary behind this hotel experience, Ian Schrager, intended. What began as …

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J. Reiger & co Monogram Whiskey drink me J. Reiger

Rieger & Co

Rieger & Co originally sprang out of the Livestock Exchange district of Kansas City in 1887, distributing more than 100 alcoholic products before being shut down during the prohibition. Relaunched in 2010, the company recently gained the credentials to debut an innovative homage to their most acclaimed drink, Monogram Whiskey. …

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