Posts in category Wines

Lunetta Prosecco drink me Lunetta Prosecco

Cavit Trento: Wine that Truly Sparkles

Cavit Trento’s new Lunetta Prosecco NV sparkles. Cultivated in Trentino, Italy, the illustrious province known for its singular climate and geography, the wine is imbibed with just the right amount of fizz to blend alongside its light and fruity flavor. Originally founded in 1950, as a consortium of associated grape …

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Oldenburg Cabernet Franc 2013 drink me Oldenburg Cabernet Franc 2013

Oldenburg Vineyards and Cabernet Franc

In Banghoek Valley near Stellenbosch, South Africa, Oldenburg Vineyards is a boutique winery open to all wine-lovers. The beautiful family owned and run vineyard dedicates their profession to making the highest quality wines with the highest quality ingredients from their estate. Small batches of red and white wines are created …

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