Posts in category Features

Schmaltz Drink Me, Photo Credit Tom Stock

Released from the Fold

Released from the Fold Shmaltz Brewing Company sets up shop of its own Shmaltz Brewing Company, long a contract brewer, has finally settled down. The new brewery and tasting room in upstate New York’s Clifton Park will open its doors to the thirsty public on the seventh of July. In …

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MARQUIS Vodka Drink Me MAg

Vodka Honesty

My evening had been going well—nothing life-changing, mind you, but this first night at Revel, the two-billion-dollar boondoggle in Atlantic City, was chugging along pleasantly. Decent dinner, personable company, new hotel. And then I saw it: Behind the bar at one of the many venues there at which one may, …

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Riesling Resurrected

A summer saunter northwest from Detroit to Traverse City needn’t have a purpose other than reveling in the tree-lined drive, the enchanting twists and turns of lake and land that typify rural Michigan. However, a tent-filled, first-ever ‘Night of 100 Rieslings’ on Grand Traverse Bay featuring an international tasting of …

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Such Great Heights

Manchester Ridge Vineyard and the “Island” AVA “This road is littered with winemakers who have tried to make wine here,” says Greg La Follette, careening in a rickety pick-up through a winding and narrow dirt road with shear drops into the ravines below. We’re bouncing along the road to Manchester …

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