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Oak & Cane Rum drink me Oak and Cane Rum

Oak and Cane Rum

Fred Greene wasn’t green when he and partners Cameron Grace and Joe Villatico founded Oak & Cane Company, and thanks to their combined experiences there is no need to go international for a great tasting, complex rum. This Florida distillery keeps their award winning Oak & Cane Rum in-state from …

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What are alcohol detox centers?

It is of utmost importance that people who have made it their habit to drink alcohol, should try and quit consuming so much of it because it does no good to the human body. Studies have proved that the human body is damaged in many negative ways because of the …

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Blackberry Mint Julep drink me Salute Vodka

Blackberry Mint Julep

  Late night Summer evenings call for flavorsome cocktails and that’s exactly what Salute American Vodka’s Blackberry Mint Julep provides. Luscious dark blackberries entice the palate with a refreshing kick of mint that is perfectly balanced with Salute American Vodka. If you’re looking for a cocktail to unwind after a …

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