If you’re thinking of hosting a party and want it to have a cool theme then consider throwing a casino themed party. There are so many games and activities that you can do under this umbrella and we have a few suggestions of the cocktails that you could make.
Vesper Martini

If you want to become the next 007 then you’ll need to have his drink of choice by your side. Shaken and never stirred, this drink is iconic in terms of the casino world. It’s not terribly difficult to make and practice definitely makes perfect with these drinks.
The drink first appeared in the Casino Royale book and Bond himself gives us the recipe. He asks a waiter to make a dry martini with three measures of gin, a shot of vodka and half a shot of Vermouth. He wants it shaken with ice until cold then add some lemon and it’s finished.
This is a really easy one to make and you can change it up to your tastes. This is the classic James Bond martini and your guests should be seriously impressed by your cocktail making skills.
The Poker Face

This drink, like the phrase it’s named for, has been around for much longer than the Lady Gaga hit – though we won’t blame you if you start singing it while you make these drinks. It’s a classic drink served in just about every casino around the world. It’s also really light and refreshing, so if it’s a warm day then this cocktail and lots of ice will be ideal.
For the cocktail, combine 2 shots of tequila, 3 shots of pineapple juice, 1 shot of triple sec and a twist of lemon. Stir together with ice and strain into a tall glass. You can garnish this cocktail with fruit and mini umbrellas for that really tacky, casino feel.
You may not know it but Casinos and Alcohol have a rich history, though most casino and bingo sites have a duty to advise their players not to drink. If you’d like to gamble online during your party, just make sure you do so responsibly!
Last Chance Cocktail
To finish off the night, consider the simple Last Chance cocktail for some light refreshment. If you’ve been making cocktails all evening then the chances are you’ll be hoping for something simple anyway!
Just mix together 2 parts vodka, 1 part triple sec and combine with 4 measures of orange juice. You can add extra orange juice if you want a weaker drink. It’s also a really good cocktail to put in a jug and share, just multiply the shots and orange juice for a larger volume. You can even use other fruit juices to switch things up, pineapple juice will give this cocktail a more tropical feel.
We hope you have an excellent time at your next party, with these cocktails on your side you definitely will! Just get the invitations ready and the mixers in the fridge to get started.